Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Meet Dr. Thomas Kurfess... CU-ICAR

As promised, here is the first of the CU-ICAR portraits... and this one has a bonus, a behind-the-camera time-lapse!

Meet Dr. Thomas Kurfess, the Director of the Campbell Graduate Engineering Center at Clemson University's International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR). A super nice guy, he was bound and determined that I make him look cool for his kids... and in my humble opinion, indeed he does look cool!

I don't mind working alone... many of my portraits are simple enough as to where I don't really need an assistant... it always nice to have someone sit in as I set up lights (you'll notice that I am running back and forth shooting myself with the timer), but I kinda like the solitude that a budget sometimes forces me into. This is a 4-light setup... 3 Speedlites up front and an 800-WS monolight back in the room.

Check out the video... the song is "Keep the Car Running" by Arcade Fire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am just a novice photographer who has lots of really nice equipment, but not a ton of hard skills. Your blog really helps me become a better photographer. Thanks for putting it up. You should mention the gear you use more often. I'm just curious.