Meet Doc Hendley... Doc is a very original fellow. How many folks do you know who go from bar tending to digging wells in Darfur? Me, only one: Doc.
In 2003 Doc was inspired by learning of massive water shortages in developing countries... so inspired in fact that he began raising money in the bars in which he worked to donate to non-profits for water-well drilling... long story short, a few years later he had his own non-profit (Wine to Water) and has dug 80 wells in 6 developing countries.
I shot Doc's portrait for the October issue of WNC Magazine (get yours at newstands everywhere!) Wine to Water is based out of Boone, NC, where I shot Doc a month or so ago. I drove out there and scouted locations the morning I was to shoot him... I knew I wanted a seedy bar setting and found the perfect one in Murphy's Pub. Mr. Murphy himself was kind enough to let me shoot there despite no advanced warning. I really wanted a smokey look so I bought a pack of cigarettes and lit all 20 at once... big fail! I was instantly hooked, craved 20 more, and didn't even get the effect I tried for... should have used my fog machine...
Check out the video below!
Visit: bobbybarejr.com and buy his music!!! (Borrow Your Cape, Bobby Bare Jr.)
At first I thought it was Don Henley of the Eagles!
Believe me, Doc Hendley has much more going for him than Doc Henley...
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