I have bad luck with the USPS... Talked with Paula on the phone today because she didn't get a package of pics that I sent her... I went through Lightroom to re-export them for her, so I figured I'd post another.
I lit this portrait with a little device that I like to call my LightPack... 2 Speedlights turned into striplights and mounted on my backpack... and another one behind Paula lighting the door. Fun Stuff...
How many times you going to change blogs?? Great stuff bro, hope all is well....
I think I'm keeping this one... I tried sending you an email a few months ago, but it got bounced back to me... I guess your old website is down or something... It is still saved in my outbox... will you send me your new email?
I got your book! Awesome!
Terrific photo of an awesome woman.
Awesome woman indeed!!!!
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